2024 RACT Corps Conference

Today marks the 49th birthday of the Royal Australian Corps of Transport. As your Head of Corps, I am immensely proud of the commitment, dedication and professionalism demonstrated by Corps members over the past twelve months, building on our strong heritage of being Par Oneri – Equal to the Task.

Happy 51st Birthday From the former RACT Head Of Corps

Today marks the 49th birthday of the Royal Australian Corps of Transport. As your Head of Corps, I am immensely proud of the commitment, dedication and professionalism demonstrated by Corps members over the past twelve months, building on our strong heritage of being Par Oneri – Equal to the Task.

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Take a look at the many RACT journal we have on file. All are available in ebook format.



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Subscriptions to the RACT Central Fund are open to all RACT serving members and friends of the Corps. Funds raised through subscriptions are used for the benefit of serving Corps members.