Messages From HOC
On 01 August 2022 I was appointed as the Head of Corps Royal Australian Corps of Transport, taking over from Major General Sue Graham. I thank Major General Graham for her leadership and stewardship of the Corps. Although her tenure was short, she approached her appointment with energy and dedication, and has ensured that the Corps is well postured to grapple with the challenges of our strategic environment. Major General Graham also led the initial planning for the celebration of the Corp’s 50th Birthday in 2023.
Our 50th Birthday year presents an exciting opportunity to reflect on the history of the Corps and the contributions made by our current and former serving members in barracks, on exercise and on operations. Our Birthday also provides an opportunity to look forward, to understand how the Corps can contribute to Army, Joint and interagency operations, both now and into the future.
Birthday celebrations will encompass both formal and informal opportunities to come together as a Corps community. Activities will be conducted in Puckapunyal and in the Regions from 01 June 2023. The celebrations will be bookended by a Last Post Ceremony and senior leadership event at the Australian War Memorial on 01 December 2023. I encourage you to get involved and be active participants in the celebration of our Corps achievements over the last 50 years. Further information regarding Corps activities will be posted on the RACT website ( in due course.
The members of the Corps have a well-deserved positive reputation for their trade knowledge and application, unwavering commitment to professional standards and an ever-present willingness to go the extra mile. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at Corps celebrations and in your workplaces as you demonstrate that you are truly Par Oneri.
Natasha Ludwig
Head of Corps
Birthday Message from the HOC
can be found here